Co-Teaching professional learning and consulting
Implementation 101
Face to Face or Virtual; full day or multiple sessions
Service Description
Move your Co-teaching Program from Exploration to Sustainability! * Designed for school and district administrators to plan for implementation of a school-wide or district-wide co-teaching program and/or move their program from one stage to the next in order to move to a level of sustainability. * This session will guide participants through the stages of implementation: Exploration and Adoption, Program Installation, Initial Implementation, Full Operation, Innovation, and Sustainability (Fixsen, Naoom, Blasé, Friedman & Wallace, 2005) as they apply to implementing co-teaching as a district-wide approach to meeting the needs of English learners, students with Special Education needs or Gifted and Talented students. * Participants will be provided with detailed examples of CCSD’s programming approach to accompany the stages of implementation so that other districts might use a similar approach for their efforts in moving a program from exploration to sustainability. * Participants will be provided with resources for each of the stages including rubrics, walkthrough tools, staffing allocation methods, FAQs, job descriptions, asset-based language shifts, data analysis, and processes and procedures. OUTCOMES: 1) Understand the stages of implementation and how they impact any programming shift. 2) Clearly articulate the process and steps necessary to begin implementation of a large scale programming shift. 3) Understand the role that focus, perseverance and consistent messaging have in moving a program from exploration to sustainability. (Follow-up coaching is also available - see additional customized options)
Contact Details
Aurora, CO, USA